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- Click on the “Sign In” button on the top right
- Click one of the two hyperlinks that applies to you ("New User..." or "Already receiving emails...")
- Create an account if new user or enter your email address to receive password link if already receiving email digests from the site
- Check your email for confirmation if registering as a new user
- Sign in to Engage ATS with your email address and password
Having problems? Contact
community@ats.edu for help.

Update your profile to set up how you want to receive emails from the community*, how much of your profile you want to be visible to other members, design the signature area that appears under your discussion posts, etc.
*Email Preferences: Your frequency can be in the form of a daily digest—a single email each day summarizing the hottest topics in your community(ies)—or in the form of an instant alert email where you can stay informed in real time when a community member posts.

Post a message to introduce yourself and share what you are hoping to gain by participating. Ask a question if you're looking for guidance or fresh ideas. Offer others some tips of the trade that have worked for you. Click the button above to post something now, schedule a post for the future, or to save a draft and return to it later.

Search for others who serve ATS member schools to begin networking. Start to grow your contact list to find and communicate with others on this site more efficiently. Engage ATS members are searchable by name, location, school/organization, and work title.